How To Make Tater Tots in a Waffle Maker: 5 Amazing Steps
The easiest way to make tater tots in a waffle maker! With a waffle maker, you can prepare the perfect crispy and crunchy tater tot recipe with minimal effort.
Tater tots are a favorite side dish because they are satisfying and delicious food. These fried, golden-brown potato nuggets are loaded with flavor and often paired with ketchup or ranch dressing.

This blog will teach you how to make tater tots in a waffle maker in just five simple steps so that you can become the ultimate tater tot maker. Here’s what you’ll need:
1) A deep fryer or electric skillet
2) Canola oil
3) 10-ounce bag frozen hash browns
4) One cup milk
5) 2 tablespoons melted butter
6) Salt and pepper
7) Flour
8) Waffle batter
9) Seasoning (optional).
Get started with the easy steps
1. Thaw your frozen hash browns for about 20 minutes in the microwave.
2. Pour canola oil in deep fryer or electric skillet and heat to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
3. Place half of your bag of hash browns in hot oil and cook until golden brown, turning every once in a while to get a crisp outer layer.
4. Remove cooked tater tots from hot oil and place on paper towel-lined plate to blot off excess oil before placing them in flour mixture to coat evenly with dry ingredients.
5. Heat milk on stove top until it is just bubbling then add 2 tablespoons melted butter and stir constantly until emulsified (about 1 minute). Add flour mixture, salt, pepper, and seasonings if desired then stir together until smooth.
First step: Warm flour in a saucepan or skillet over medium-low heat for about 2 minutes.
Next, make the waffle batter by combining the flour and milk in a bowl. Stir in melted butter and seasonings until combined.
In a deep fryer or electric skillet, place oil to cover at least 1/2 inch deep. Heat oil on medium-high heat. When it’s hot enough, carefully drop tater tots into the hot oil and fry until they are golden brown on both sides (about 3 minutes). Make sure you have a lid on your pan so that the tater tots don’t burn while they are cooking!
Remove them from the waffle maker with a slotted spoon and drain excess oil in a paper towel lined strainer set over a large bowl.
Finally, combine tater tot filling ingredients together in a food processor or blender until smooth – about 3 minutes. Pour this mixture into the center of each fried tater tot with one tablespoon of batter and top with some salt and pepper before serving! Tater tots are best served immediately!
First step: Make milk mixture
In a mixing bowl, add the flour and seasonings. Stir in the milk and butter until it is well-mixed.
First step: Make batter
In a bowl, add flour and salt and pepper to taste. Stir in the milk until it forms a smooth batter. Add melted butter to the bowl. Stir until the batter has a lighter consistency.
Second step; Fry tater tots in deep fryer
Preheat oil in deep fryer to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. While waiting for oil to heat, whisk together flour and milk in a bowl until smooth.
Next, mix in butter with a fork.
Lastly, stir in salt and pepper and seasonings of your choice. Now that the oil is hot, dip each tater tot into batter one at a time and then place carefully into the hot oil.
Fry until golden brown and crisp on both sides. Remove from deep fryer with slotted spoon or tongs and set on paper towels to drain excess grease before serving.
Third step; Coat tater tots in batter
Step 3 involves coating the tater tots with batter. As you coat the tater tots, make sure that they are fully covered in the batter and set aside.
Fourth step; Bake tater tots in waffle maker
Now that you have all the ingredients, it’s time to cook these delicious tater tots. The first step is to fry them in a deep fryer or electric skillet for about three minutes per side. Then, transfer the tater tots from the oil to a paper towel-lined plate or baking sheet so they can dry off.
Next, place the frozen hash browns in a bowl and add your desired seasonings like salt and pepper. Add flour to coat the hash browns evenly without making them too mushy or dry.
Once your hash browns are prepared, it’s time to batter and bake them in your waffle maker! Spray both sides of each tater tot with some nonstick cooking spray and then place them in the waffle maker on one of the lower setting plates (usually number 1).
Once those are done, place another batch on top of those until they are golden-brown and crispy. Now that you have successfully made tater tots in a waffle maker, enjoy!

Can you put frozen tater tots in waffle iron?
In a cast iron or nonstick waffle maker, you can make tater tots in a waffle iron. To do this, heat up the waffle maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions and preheat it on medium-high. Once it has heated up, add the batter to make your tater tots. Add seasonings, such as salt and pepper, if you’d like. Cook until browned and crisp on both sides.
If you want crispy tater tots in a cast iron or nonstick waffle maker, then use flour instead of baking powder. Flour will cause for a super-crispy texture that never dries out as well as give a more savory flavor to your dish than baking powder does. This blog will teach you how to make tater tots in a waffle maker with flour so that you can become the ultimate tater tot maker!
What is the best way to cook frozen tater tots?
The best way to cook frozen tater tots is in a deep-fryer or electric skillet. This method will ensure the potato nuggets get crispy on the outside and softly tender on the inside.
To keep the tater tots from sticking, you’ll want to season your oil with salt and pepper before frying them. Remember, when cooking tater tots, use two tablespoons of melted butter in your recipe and mix it with flour.
Once you have seasoned your oil, pour 3/4 cup of canola oil into a deep-fryer or electric skillet and heat it over medium-high heat until it reaches 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Set up a wire rack over a baking sheet lined with paper towels for draining excess oil from the tater tot nuggets.
When the oil has reached 375 degrees Fahrenheit, put 2 tablespoons of melted butter and 1/2 cup of flour into two separate dishes and whisk together until they are well blended.
Then add 1/2 cup of milk while whisking until smooth. Let this mixture rest for one minute before adding in 10 ounces of frozen hash browns and stirring them in with a rubber spatula to coat them evenly all over.
Stirring constantly, cook these ingredients until they’re golden brown on both sides–this should take about 4-5 minutes total. Remove them from the hot oil with a slotted spoon onto your prepared wire rack set over the baking sheet lined with paper towels so that any excess grease can drain away
Do you bake or fry tater tots?
If you’re asked whether you fry or bake tater tots, the answer is not black and white. You can fry your tater tots in a deep fryer or electric skillet. With a waffle maker, you have the option of baking or frying your tater tots.
The first step is making sure that your waffle maker has enough room for the batter to spread evenly across the surface of the waffle iron.
The second step is preparing a batter for your tater tots by mixing oil, milk and butter together in a bowl until it becomes thin like pancake batter.
The third step is making sure that there’s enough salt and pepper on hand so that you can season your taters with it.
The fourth step is adding flour into the mixture until it’s mixed thoroughly with the other ingredients.
The fifth step is pouring the batter into your waffle maker and cooking them according to manufacturer directions on how long they should cook for after spreading them across the surface of the iron.
After they’re cooked, you’ll need to remove them from it by separating them with a spatula so they don’t stick together too much while you plate them up ready for serving.

how to make hash browns from tater tots
Step 1: Take a bag of frozen hash browns and place them in the deep fryer or electric skillet. Turning, heat a pot of oil on medium-high heat and wait for it to heat up.
Step 2: Once the oil is hot, turn off the burner, add 10 ounces of frozen hash browns to the hot oil in the pan.
Step 3: Cover your deep fryer or electric skillet with a lid and let it cook for about 5 minutes in order to get a nice crispy exterior.
Step 4: Once your tater tots are ready, remove them from the hot oil and drain on paper towels. Enjoy with ketchup or ranch dressing!
Why did my frozen tater tots fall apart?
The most common reason why your frozen tater tots fell apart is because you didn’t cook them properly. A deep fryer or electric skillet is the only way to make these yummy tater tots.
It needs to be heated up at least 375 degrees Fahrenheit. If you don’t use a deep fryer, the oil will burn and you won’t get crispy results.
Another reason that your tater tots might have fallen apart is if they were too wet when they cooked. If they’re too wet, they’ll stick together and won’t crisp up in the waffle iron. To avoid this issue, make sure not to mix in any liquid before cooking!
Can you make tater tots on stove?
No, you cannot make tater tots on the stove. You will need a deep fryer or electric skillet to properly prepare this dish. The potato nuggets will come out crunchy and golden-brown when fried in an oil-filled pot.
Tips for Perfect Tater Tot Waffles
Take care when preheating the waffle maker to ensure that it is ready for cooking. Preheat your waffle iron and set the temperature to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. When you are finished cooking, be sure to let the waffle maker cool down completely before storing it in a cool place.
Step 3: Canola Oil
In order to make tater tots in a waffle maker, you will need canola oil. You can use any kind of oil in your recipe, but canola is neutral-tasting and high-quality. This oil creates a crispier finish on the tater tot’s exterior because of its higher smoking point.
Variations On Tater Tot Waffles
The tater tots can be fried in a deep fryer or electric skillet, making them crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. You can also make them into waffles by adding 1 tablespoon of melted butter and 2 tablespoons of milk to the batter, along with flour and seasonings, or any combination thereof.
This blog will teach you how to make tater tots in a waffle maker in just five simple steps so that you can become the ultimate tater tot maker. Here’s what you’ll need:
1) A deep fryer or electric skillet
2) Canola oil
3) 10-ounce bag frozen hash browns
4) One cup milk
5) 2 tablespoons melted butter
6) Salt and pepper
7) Flour
8) Waffle batter
9) Seasoning (optional).
Toppings for Tater Tot Waffles
If you are looking for a delicious and unique way to wow your guests, then try these toppings:
– chopped green onions (1/2 cup)
– diced tomatoes (1/8 cup)
– shredded Monterey jack cheese (3 ounces)
– cooked bacon crumbles (3 ounces)
– sliced scallions or green onions (3 tablespoons).
How To Make Tater Tots in a Waffle Maker: Become The Ultimate Tater Tot Maker
Tater Tot Waffle Grilled Cheese
Once you have your tater tots made, it is time to make a grilled cheese. Combine one cup of milk with 2 tablespoons of melted butter and add salt and pepper to taste.
Then, add flour and the seasoning if you would like. It’s best if you let this mixture sit for 10 minutes before adding your tater tots.
Next, combine the tater tot waffle batter with the milk-butter mix until it is thick and smooth.
Last, pour about half of the batter into the waffle maker so that it creates a thin layer on top of each waffle cake.
Once your tater tot waffle cakes are done cooking, place them on a paper towel lined plate until they are cooled enough to handle. You can then either toast them or grill them in any manner you prefer: baked, fried or grilled.
After this process is finished, assemble the tater tot grilled cheese by placing two slices of bread in a sandwich press and topping both slices with one whole cooked tater tot each.
Finally, brush both sides of each slice with melted butter before grilling or frying them on both sides in an electric skillet or deep fryer until they’re browned and crispy. Assemble your finished sandwich by topping it with ketchup (perhaps with some ranch dressing) or any other sauce that suits your taste buds!
How to Store Tater Tot Waffles
It’s important to store your tater tots in a way that keeps them crispy and crunchy. This means storing them in the freezer or refrigerator.
If you store them in the fridge, it will be best to reheat them on the stove top at 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you want to store your tater tot waffles in the freezer, you can do so by wrapping them individually with aluminum foil and then placing them inside an airtight container.
Nutritional Value of Tater Tots
Tater tots are a high-fat, low-carb food. Even the nutritional value of these potato nuggets is not all bad; tater tots contain vitamin B12, potassium, and other nutrients that can help you live a healthy lifestyle.
If you’re trying to watch your waistline, however, this side dish is not for you. Keep in mind that calories and carbohydrates make up the majority of the nutrition value of these fried potato nuggets.
Ever wanted to make a tater tot waffle? Now you can! With this tater tot waffle maker, you can make a dozen in just under ten minutes.
Making your own tater tot waffles is an easy way to save money and make breakfast for the family. This appliance will help save you time and money, so you can spend it on what matters most – your family!
Image Source: How To Make Tater Tot Waffles
How To Use a Toastmaster Waffle Maker