How to Troubleshoot a Kitchen Extractor Fan-5 Amazing Ways
Here are some ways how you might troubleshoot a kitchen extractor fan. If you’re having a hard time with your kitchen extractor, don’t worry! There are some easy fixes for this problem. Whether it’s the motor or the switch that has stopped working, here are some troubleshooting tips to work through.

Getting an extractor fan working again isn’t always difficult. It doesn’t require a lot of technical know-how either. If you’re having trouble with your extractor fan and have tried to fix it by yourself, here are some steps to help you out.
If your kitchen is humid, a clogged air filter may be the cause of your broken fan. This can also happen after a pot steam clean or during deep cleaning. Make sure all filters are clean before using the machine again.
A clogged filter shouldn’t stop cooking so there shouldn’t be any need to waste energy on the stovetop–but if there is, consider running it through cold water until all excess moisture has evaporated from.
How to troubleshoot a kitchen extractor fan
If you’re having trouble with your extractor fan, there are a few steps you should take to troubleshoot the problem.
First, check that the plug is securely fitted into the socket. Check that it’s in phase (red and green wire work together) and make sure it’s in line with the other sockets on that circuit. Next, examine the kitchen extractor fan for any dust or debris which could have gotten inside over time. If there is any, remove it before turning the fan back on. If none of these actions solve your problem, contact a qualified electrician for assistance.
Get to the root of your problem
If you’re still having trouble, try replacing the motor. If this doesn’t work, consider purchasing a new extractor fan.
If your extractor fan is out of commission but you have a functioning stove, make sure to use a kitchen timer to turn off the stove before cooking.
If none of these steps help and you want to replace the entire unit, get in touch with your manufacturer for assistance.
Check for a clog in the air filter
If you’re still having trouble with your extractor fan, check for a clog in the air filter. If there is a clog, use a vacuum cleaner to suck up any excess dirt and dust that’s near the fan while it’s operating.
Clean all filters before using again
Make sure all filters are clean before using the machine again. You should be able to run it through cold water until all excess moisture has evaporated from the filter.
Replace the parts that need replacing.
Believe it or not, the motor and switch are very easy to replace. The motor is located in the unit’s back, and the switch is on the front of the unit. If your machine is still under warranty, contact a representative from your manufacturer for assistance with parts.
If you’re trying to fix an extractor fan without replacing any parts, try turning off the power button and resetting it by pressing and holding down both buttons until the red light goes out. This will allow you to start using your machine again.
Troubleshooting tips for different problems
If you can’t get your extractor fan to turn on, try swapping out the switch for a new one. If that doesn’t work, try replacing the motor too.
If the switch is still broken and you’re getting error messages like “Lack of Power” or “Power Failure,” make sure the power cord is plugged into an outlet with enough power to run your machine.
A broken switch can be caused by a faulty motor, so before you swap out, try replacing the motor first. If that doesn’t fix it, then you may have to replace the whole machine–but this is not always necessary.
If your kitchen extractor fan won’t turn on at all anymore, check whether any wiring might be disconnected from it’s base.
If your kitchen extractor fan starts acting weird when there’s no food in it and stops when there’s food in it, maybe there’s a bit too much humidity for it to handle–try cleaning out some filters if this seems like it could be the issue.
Troubleshoot a Kitchen Extractor Fan
If you notice that your kitchen extractor fan is not functioning, it’s easy to troubleshoot. There are a few things that can happen when an extractor fan malfunctions.
The first step is to make sure your kitchen is clean and has the appropriate amount of space for the machine. If the machine doesn’t fit in its designated space, it will cause more stress on one part of the machine and ultimately malfunction.
Also, make sure your extractor fan fits well with your stovetop and other appliances. If there are any gaps in cabinets or walls where the extractor fan cannot reach, it will cause problems later on down the line.
Possible Solutions on How to Troubleshoot a Kitchen Extractor Fan
If you’re still having trouble after trying these steps, there are a few more possible solutions.
-The extractor fan’s motor has stopped working. This can happen for a number of reasons and can be fixed by replacing the motor or changing the speed control dial.
-The switch may have stopped working because it is faulty or not connected to anything. If this is the case, you’ll need to replace it if you want to use your machine again.
-If nothing else works, check your wiring–it may be loose or disconnected at the switch connection point. Be sure that all connections are securely sealed in order to prevent them from becoming disconnected during use.
What Causes a Broken Kitchen Extractor Fan?
If your kitchen is humid, a clogged air filter may be the cause of your broken fan. A clog can also happen after a pot steam clean or during deep cleaning. To make sure you’re cooking efficiently and safely, be sure to run it through cold water until all excess moisture has evaporated from.
A broken kitchen extractor fan may have something to do with the motor or the switch. If you have checked these parts thoroughly and they are in good condition, then it could be an issue with the wiring which needs to be re-connected. If your wiring is still not working properly, then contact a professional for help.
Vacuum cleaning your oven
If your oven looks like it’s ready for an overhaul, give it one! You may want to clean the inside and outside of your oven with a vacuum cleaner. This will ensure that you get all the gunk out and will make an easy job for any appliance repair technician.
A fan might be part of the problem as well–so if this is the case, try blowing away any debris from around the fan intake. For example, if there’s dust on the fan blades or in between grates, use a vacuum cleaner to blow it away.
Gently prying up parts of your range top can reveal a loose screw or piece of broken plastic that could be preventing your extractor fan from working properly. If you’re not sure what to do with these pieces of broken plastic, contact a professional appliance repair service.
Other Solutions to Troubleshoot a Kitchen Extractor Fan
Check to make sure the motor is running. If it’s not, try turning the switch on and off again. If turning the switch doesn’t work, try unplugging it and plugging it back in. Make sure there are no loose wires or anything else that may be causing a short circuit. If this doesn’t work, turn the machine over and look at the bottom of the fan to see if something has come loose and shorted out.
If this still doesn’t solve your problem, you can check for an error code with your extractor fan’s manual. The manual will often list some codes that will point you in the right direction of what could be wrong with your machine.
Image Source: Do It Yourself
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